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Amnesty: An American Hispanic Tea Partier’s View


by Jesus Alaniz

President No Longer Commander in Chief

The illegal alien uses counterfeit documents, engages in identity theft or may impersonate other people upon illegal entry into the United States. Many illegals pay no federal, state income, social security or medicare taxes while taxpayers support their families with food stamps, medical care and other social services. In many cases the US Dollars they obtain are also wire transferred out of the United States to their country of origin rather than investing those dollars back into the US economy that is supporting them.

Being an illegal alien is therefore not a crime but a series of crimes!

But more morally decrepit and vile are the politicians who manipulate illegal immigration to divide and conquer the American people by falsely accusing anyone of being a racist for objecting to amnesty.

Therefore . . .

This angry American of Mexican dissent “… believes it’s to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and undoubtedly the least appreciated people in the entire world”.

The excuse that looking for 14 million illegal aliens, arresting, processing them and then deporting them is too expensive while the IRS spares no expense to audit ordinary Americans tax returns and find some fault in them proves that that hypothetical excuse is nothing but pure hooey.

Rather than establishing justice for a policeman despite the evidence and the eyewitness’ account, Congressman Gutierrez allowed the situation to fester and chose to remain silent while his fellow Democrats refused to let that crisis go to waste. Mr. Obama, Mr. Gutierrez, and Mr. Holder the victims of Operation Fast & Furious and Border Guard Brian Terry now cry from their grave DON’T SHOOT!

A nation without borders is not a nation and a nation and can have no head of state. Mr. Obama, Mr. Gutierrez, the fact that our borders remain insecure perhaps explains why China, Russia, Iran and North Korea don’t respect you.

The inept excuse that budget cuts prevent us from securing the borders is unacceptable! President John F Kennedy once said “Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom” Democrat voters wake up! Your party has been hijacked by socialists, marxists, communists and influenced by muslim fanatics and is no longer the party of Jack and Bobby Kennedy!

Obama, says that he’s concerned “as a Christian” that other Christians are not being as “loving” and continues to insist that free Americans surrender their guns and their religion yet leaves our southern border open to and refuses to demand the same of Abu Nidal, Abu Sayyef, Al Aqsa, al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Sharia, Al-Shabaab, Ansar al-Islam, Boko Haram, ETA, PLO, Hamass, Hezbolah, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Taliban etc. etc. etc. Mr. Obama, the right of self-defense is a natural right and natural rights come not from the generosity of the state but from the Hand of God and a government that cannot trust its citizens with guns is a government that cannot, shall not and must never be trusted by the American people.

Islam has not nor has it ever been “interwoven into the American fabric”. In a 1786 letter to John Jay, Thomas Jefferson & John Adams wrote that Tripoli’s ambassador informed them that islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet (Mohammed), that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”…Mr. Obama, Congressman Joe Wilson was right, you lie!!!

We have a responsibility to our military veterans and the families of those who have sacrificed loved ones for our country. A President who uses his phone and pen to give illegal aliens medical assistance and grant them amnesty while putting our veterans on a medical waiting list is not be respected as the “commander in chief”.

President John Adams wrote “Be not intimidated…nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice” It’s time to take political correctness and put it in the trash where it belongs. If Mexican voter ID cards are good enough for Mexican voters in Mexico, then voter ID’s are good enough for all qualified voters in America

Patriotism means standing by your government when they deserve it and standing up to your government when needed and therefore I call upon the RNHA, the Illinois Republican National Hispanic Assembly and Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti to perform their civic duty and demand that our borders be secured, that immigration laws be enforced and say “NO” to amnesty.

May He Who Has No Name, Bless, Keep and Smile Upon Our Best Friend, Israel

And May God Bless America!!!

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